Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Week 2 (reflection) Information Organization and Retrieval


Part 1 ( Category of Library)

              Today lesson we are able to know five categories of library in our country.  There are
1) National Library
2) Public Library
3) School Library
4) Special Library
5) Academic Library.
 Although there are categorize into 5 types of library, but their function is still the same.  Abundant of materials and easy for people to access the materials or retrieve the materials in the library.  There are some basic library operations such as acquisition, cataloging, circulation, reference and automation.
National Library
School Library
Public Library
Academic Library
Circulation Counter

Part 2 ( Information Organization and Retrieval)

Information Sources
Explanation & Example
Primary sources

Ø  Original materials
Ø  Not been filtered through interpretation
Ø  Eg: Photographs, Diaries, letters, proceeding of meetings, conference and Symposia etc.

Secondary Sources
Ø  Written after the fact with benefit of hindsight.
Ø  Interpretations and evaluations of primary sources
Ø  Eg: Biographies, commentaries, dissertations, Journal Articles, Monographs, etc
Tertiary Sources
Ø  Distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources
Ø  Eg: Almanacs, Encyclopedia, fact books

Next, Mr Abdul Razak also had explained about why information need to be organize ?
The mains reasons is for us able to finds the library materials easily
Besides, some questions been asked by Mr Abdul Razak as well:

1) How to describe information resources so that they may effectively located by those who need to use them ?
Answer: Organizing

2) How to find the appropriate information resources or information-bearing objects for someone's needs ?
Answer: Retrieving