Thursday, 23 May 2013

Week 15: Final Jobs


                   Hooray !! Today is our last lesson with Sir Abd Razak.  We are so happy because we have go through 15 weeks in UTM. Besides, this is also my last semester here.  I had gone through the 4 semester here as part time students and drive for 40 minutes to reached UTM. 

                  The tiredness and difficulties I had gone through and feel satisfy with everything I achieved at UTM. Today, I had completed the data cataloging and I had sent the data to my group members to merge it together to become 200 cataloging.

 Thanks , Mr Abd Razak . 

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Week 14: Data Management & Designing Databases


Today we had learn about data management.  The purpose of data management of resources is to have a systematic , no duplication and easy to retrieve information.  Well manage, carefully arranged files make it easy to obtain data.  Meanwhile, poorly managed files lead to chaos in information processing , high costs, poor performance.

Problems With Traditional File Environment
1) Data redundancy & confusion
2) program data dependence
3) Lack of flexibility
4) poor security
5) lack data sharing and availability

DBMS = database management system (database software)
is the type of program used to create , maintain, and organise data in a database, as well as to retrieve information from it.

a) advantages of DBMS
1) Complexity of system can be reduce
2) Data redundancy & inconsistency can be reduced
3) Data confusion can be eliminated
4) program development & maintenance can radically reduced
5) flexibility  of information system can be greatly enhanced
6) Access and availability of information can be increased
7) reduction of duplication
8) improved data integrity
9) programs are independent of the data format
10) sharing of data resources

Disadvantages of DBMS
1) Added expense

2) More hardware may be needed
3) additional training
4) security critical
5) sophisticated design and programming required

 Designing Databases

Logical databases modes for keeping track of entities, attributes and relationships.  There are three principal logical databases models are Hierarchical, network and relational.  

Hierarchical data model

Network Data Model

Relational data model

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Week 13: Designing Database


                 Today, we still learning about designing database based on Microsoft Office Access. I had completed the total of 50 catalogs materials from books, CD ROMS and videocassetes.  Today lesson, we just edit the table for the data we missed up.  Besides, we also learn about the relationship between two tables.  Since, we are new learner ...we still not familiar with the Microsoft Office Access. Therefore, we need to explore more about the Microsoft Office Access. So, this is my self study about Microsoft access.

a) Tables  - organized into vertical columns and horizontal rows

Columns and rows in an Access table

b) Forms - entering, modifying, and viewing records
An Access form

c) Queries - a way of searching for and compiling data from one or more tables
A query design

d) Reports -  ability to present your data in print. (output)
 A report

Other than that, Mr Abdul Razak also remind us:
"Don't forget to do the Online teaching evaluation (e-PPP)."

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Week 12: Public Holiday (Labour day)


Today is public holiday. No class ... I am happy plus worries, because my cataloging of materials not yet complete. Therefore,  I continue to do my cataloging, which had mentioned by Mr Razak to complete the first assignment before we continue with second assignment, database by using microsoft office access.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Week 11: Database Introduction


Today, Mr Razak had introduced to us database through online learning and hands on activity designing own databases.

What is Database ?

                    A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer system. Databases allow their users to enter, access, and analyze their data quickly and easily. It is a useful tool. The easiest way to understand a database is to think of it as a collection of lists. For instance, what we had did today ... SMM (sistem maklumat murid) ..Student's particulars such as Name, Identification number, house address, contact number, student's parent name and so on, and so on.

                    Microsoft Office Access is a relational database application that allows users to enter, manage and run reports on large amounts of data.  Today lesson we had  learned the essential skills needed to use a database including entering data into forms and tables, running queries to search data and producing meaningful reports.  In a nutshell, what we had learned today are:
1) Tables   2) Form     3) Report   and     4) Queries

Access 2010
                  Last but not least, Mr Abdul Razak also remind us to key in the information on what we had did in cataloging.  The information needed are: call numbers, ISSN/ISBN, Edition, Title, Authors, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, physical description, notes and subject headings.  This is our last assigment ... yeah ....

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Week 10: Continue doing cataloging

17 April 2013

                          Today, Mr Abd Razak give summary on what is LCC and DDC .  Besides, he also explained why DDC was used in school's library whereas LCC used in University or College's Library. Here is my critical writing on LLC and DDC.

Kenapa DDC digunakan di perpustakaan sekolah rendah manakala
 LCC digunakan di perpustakaan university ?

Klasifikasi (classification) adalah amat penting untuk memperbaiki ketepatan atau mengingatkan di mana sesuatu bahan disimpan.  Selain itu, ia juga membantu menyediakan konteks untuk istilah carian serta membolehkan melayari, dan  untuk menyediakan sebagai satu mekanisme menukar antara bahasa.


DDC (Dewey decimal  Classification) dan LCC (Library of Congres Classification) adalah dua sistem yang telah dibangunkan pada masa yang sama, memberi atau mengambil satu dekad atau lebih. Kedua-duanya adalah sistem berangka merangkumi semua topik, semua prinsip, semua bidang ilmu. Kedua-duanya kerap dikemaskinikan. Kedua-dua menggunakan "perbendaharaan kata terkawal," iaitu, satu senarai istilah pilihan untuk pengkatalogan.

Dari segi perbezaan saiz, LCC adalah lebih besar iaitu mempunyai kelas lebih luas dengan lebih sempit subkategori. Seterusnya, dari segi spesifikasi. LCC mempunyai subkelas jauh lebih khusus. Dalam mana-mana sistem klasifikasi, dari perpustakaan sehinggalah laci fail, persoalannya ialah: adakah mempunyai banyak fail dengan bahan yang kurang dalam setiap satu fail, atau kurang fail dengan lebih bahan dalam setiap satu fail? LCC telah dipilih lebih awal berbanding dengan DDC sebagai pilihan kedua.

Dalam bentuk struktur, DDC mempunyai prinsip-prinsip yang menyeluruh (misalnya, pembahagian perpuluhan) dan catatan mnemonik. Bagi LCC, setiap satu daripada 21 kelas telah dihasilkan secara bebas oleh pakar-pakar dalam bidang itu, dan terus berkembang dan dikemaskini secara bebas. Tidak ada keselarasan dalam LCC antara kelas-kelas.

Dengan kata lain, DDC menggunakan hanya nombor; digabungkan dengan beberapa mnemonik, ia adalah lebih mudah untuk para pustakawan, pelajar, sukarelawan, dan sebagainya untuk mengingat. LCC, sebaliknya, menggunakan kedua-dua huruf dan nombor, membolehkan lebih banyak kelas, kategori, lebih klasifikasi.  Dalam pengindeksan, indeks relatif DDC boleh membawa semua topik bersama-sama, tanpa mengira apa kelas.  Manakala kekurangan LCC ialah tidak ada konsisten antara kelas.

Kesimpulannya, DDC menggunakan beberapa kategori dan sub-klasifikasi dan konsisten, manakala LCC dibahagikan dengan tidak konsisten. Selain itu, DDC lebih  mudah difahami, oleh itu, DDC telah terbukti lebih berguna kepada perpustakaan memenuhi pelbagai keperluan seperti perpustakaan awam dan sekolah-sekolah, manakala LCC lebih digunakan secara meluas di perpustakaan memberi tumpuan lebih kepada bidang teknikal seperti kolej, universiti, dan kerajaan.

DDC telah dibangunkan untuk menyusun semua ilmu - satu usaha yang bercita-cita tinggi.  Dalam pengertian ini, DDC diibaratkan sebagai “Google” abad ke-19, tanpa melihat kepada aspek teknikal. Sebaliknya, dalam sistem pengkatalogan ia bergantung kepada rangka kerja mudah yang bermula dengan sepuluh kelas subjek (agama, sains sosial, dan lain-lain). Kelas-kelas ini dipecahkan kepada sepuluh bahagian, yang kemudiannya dipecahkan kepada sepuluh subdivisi. Buku-buku dan sumber-sumber lain yang diberikan nombor panggilan angka berdasarkan kandungan dalam buku di bahagian mana pengetahuan taksonomi tersebut.

Sistem LCC berbeza dalam reka bentuk. Dibangunkan pada awal abad ke-20, ia telah diwujudkan khusus untuk mengkategorikan buku-buku dan barangan lain yang diadakan di Perpustakaan Kongres. Ia mempunyai 21 kategori subjek dengan sumber-sumber yang dikenal pasti oleh gabungan kedua-dua huruf dan nombor.  Sebagai contoh, buku-buku pendidikan dikenalpasti dengan beberapa panggilan yang bermula dengan 'L' yang tersurat dan sains politik mereka di bawah 'J.' Bilangan kelas pengkategorian tidak terhad, dan tidak juga yang banyak subkelas dimasukkan ke dalam sistem.

Jadi mana sistem yang lebih baik? Itu bergantung pada di mana penggunaannya. Sisitem LLC bukannya berdasarkan taksonomi pengetahuan, ia dicipta untuk mengelaskan bahan dari perpustakaan tunggal. Sistem surat-nombor pengenalan adalah susah jadi ini telah menambahkan kebaikan kepada pendekatan Dewey iaitu angka serta mengatur bahan-bahan. Mungkin mengejutkan, kelemahan DDC ialah kemampuan sistem untuk katalog bahan-bahan yang meliputi subjek-subjek baru. Sebagai contoh, tiada kemudahan komputer apabila Dewey telah dibangunkan dan, hasilnya, tidak kira di bawah sepuluh tajuk kategori subjek. Selaain itu, dalam sistem perpuluhan Dewey untuk mengenal pasti bahan-bahan membawa kepada nombor panggilan yang panjang dan menimbulkan kerumitan atau kesusahan untuk mengenal pasti sumber-sumber, terutama di perpustakaan akademik dengan pengelompokan topik-topik khusus.

Secara keseluruhannya, kedua-dua sistem memang mempunyai kelemahan dan perpustakaan harus mengikuti amalan-amalan yang terbaik untuk koleksi masing-masing. Banyak perpustakaan awam dan perpustakaan sekolah, misalnya, terus menggunakan Dewey manakala perpustakaan akademik universiti telah bertukar kepada LLC untuk membolehkan pengkhususan mengenal pasti sumber-sumber.

Bahan rujukan:

                       Next, he also reminded us  to complete the cataloging for the preparation of database.  This week we also do the same things , "hands-on" activity which is cataloging .. I only able to do three books, because lack of materials such as books DDC volume 21.  We need to share the books among 8 of us.  Therefore, I need to find other times to complete my task.

Here is my homework what I had done:
19) Thesis (not published)


Arumugam, Nanthini
         Kefahaman, kesedaran dan amalan konsep kepelbagaian
 budaya dikalangan pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia/ Nanthini A/P 
Arumugam. - Skudai. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2012. [ Tesis tidak
        xv, 75p.  ; 30 cm

        Mengandungi  bibliografi.

        Tesis Sarjana Pendidikan (Kurikulum dan Pengajaran)

       1.  Multicultural        I.

20)  Book- Glosari

Glosari seni reka fesyen: Bahasa Inggeris - huraian - Bahasa Malaysia, 
        Bahasa Melayu - Bahasa Inggeris / Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 
        -Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 1993.

        xxi, 550 p ; 14 cm.

        ISBN 983 - 62 - 3375 - x.

1. 2.  I. Judul 

21)  Book - Glosari


Jasmi Hashim.
        Glosari kejuruteraan bahan / Jasmi Hashim. - Skudai : Universiti 
Teknologi Malaysia, 2003.

         x, 223 p. : ill. ; 26 cm

         Mengandungi indeks.

         ISBN  983 - 52 - 0304-0

         1. Material - Dictionaries    2. Engineering - Dictionaries   I. Judul 

22)  Non Book Materials (CD-ROM):

Sains tulen fizik tingkatan : keradioaktifan [CD-ROM].  Kuala Lumpur: Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan, 2004.

          1 CD-ROM ; sd., col., 12cm    

          Keperluan sistem:  Pentium 100 mHz, , 16 MB RAM atau lebih,
          windows 95 or upper, 8x kelajuan pemacu CD-ROM; paparan skin
          600 x 800; 16 bit kad bunyi; pembesar suara.

         1. Pure Science - Physics   2. Radioactive    I. Judul

23)  Book:

Atkins, Harold N.

         Bahan jalan raya, tanah dan konkrit / Harold N. Atkins ; penterjemah 
Osman Che Puan,Che Ros Ismail, Mustafa Kamal Shamsudin. -Skudai:   
Universiti Malaysia, 2005.

            xii,  495 p : ill ; 25cm

            Mengandungi indeks

            ISBN 983 - 52 - 0380 - 6

            1. Road materials. 2. Soils.  I. Osman Che Puan. II. Che Ros Ismail. 
            III. Mustafa Kamal Shamsudin. IV. Judul.      

24)  Book:

Massie, Joseph L.

         Essentials of management / Joseph L. Massie. - 4th. - Pretince hall:   
University of Kenturky, 1964.

            xvi,  301 p. ; 23cm

            Includes bibliographical and index

            ISBN 983 - 32 - 1261 - 1

            1. Management . 2. .  I. Title 

25)  Book: 


Herlina Abdul Rahim.
         Pengenalan sistem kejuruteraan kawalan / Herlina Abdul Rahim; 
Ruzairi Abdul Rahim - Skudai: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2004.

            x,  128 p. :ill. ; 26 cm

            Mengandungi bibliografi dan indeks.

            ISBN 983 - 52 - 0349 - 0

            1. Automatic control.   2. System engineering .  
            I. Ruzairi Abdul Rahim      II.  Title 

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Week 9: Semester Break

10 April 2013

yeah, this week is semester break. We can have a rest and complete our assignment.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Week 8: DDC Number Building

3 April 2013

              Today, we have gone through the cataloging for what we did on last week about DDC.
 After, Mr. Abdul Razak give comment and I have to do some correction on what mistakes I had did.
During  my friends presentation, suddenly blackout at our faculty at my friends had to stop present
on what he did last week.

               Luckily, the lesson still able to carry on because the LCD projector still functioning (got electric source) . Therefore, Mr Abdul Razak continue with his lesson on DDC number building.
DDC Number Building
                DDC number building is necessary to build or synthesize a number that is not specifically listed in the schedules.  There are 4 sources of notation for building numbers:
(a) Table 1 - Standard Subdivision
(b) Table 2 - 6
(c) other parts of the schedules;  and
(d) add tables in the schedules.

             Number building begins with a base number (always stated in the instruction note) to which another number is added. Table 1: Standard subdivisions.  Nearly all call numbers ending with 05 are periodicals , eg: 900  (905), 920 (920.5) and 921 (921.05).
   ====================     Table 1: Standard subdivisions.  ========================
       *  -01 Philosophy and theory
       *  -02 Compends / Miscellany
       *  -03 Dictionaries / Encyclopedia
       *  -04 Essays
       *  -05 Periodicals
       *  -06 Societies
       *  -07 Study and teaching
       *  -08 Polygraphy, collections
       *  -09 History

             Table 2 is geographic areas, Historical periods, persons. Such as history of Malaysia.....
History 9+   Malaysia  -595    = 959.5

  ============    Table 2: Geographic areas, Historical periods, Persons.   ===============
       *  -1 Areas, regions, places in general: ocean and seas,
       *  -2 Persons
       *  -3 Ancient World
       *  -4 Europe
       *  -5 Asia
       *  -6 Africa
       *  -7 North America
       *  -8 South America
       *  -9 Australia, Pacific, polar regions

              Table 3 is Subdivisions for the Arts, for Individual Literatures for Specific Literacy Forms. There are three more subdivisions in table 3. Table 3A: Subdivisions for works by or about Individual Authors, Table 3B:Subdivisions for works by or More than one Author, and Table 3(C): Notation to be Added where Instructed in Table 3B, 700.4, 791.4, 808-809.

====================  Table 3: Ethnic and language  =============================
       *  -1 North Americans or USA English or Indo-European
       *  -2 British or English
       *  -3 Germanic
       *  -4 French
       *  -5 Italian
       *  -6 Spanish and Portuguese
       *  -7 Ancient Roman or Slavic
       *  -8 Greek or Scandinavian
       *  -9 Others

       ======================   Table 3: Form divisions   ========================
       *  -1 Poetry
       *  -2 Drama
       *  -3 Fiction
       *  -4 Essays
       *  -5 Speeches
       *  -6 Letters
       *  -7 Humor
       *  -8 Miscellany

                Next, Table 4 is a subdivisions of Individual Languages and Language Families.  Table 5 is ethnic and National Groups and last table, the table 6 is language.

====================     Table 4: Language divisions      =========================
       *  - 1 Writing
       *  - 2 Etymology
       *  - 3 Dictionaries
       *  - 5 Grammar
       *  - 6 Prosody
       *  - 7 Nonstandard forms of the language
       *  - 8 Usage

    ===============   Table 5: Ethnic and National Groups    =======================
       *  -05 Persons of mixed ancestry with ethnic origins from more than one continent  
       *  -09 Europeans and people of European descent
       *  -1 North Americans
       *  -2 British, English, Anglo-Saxons
       *  -3 Germanic peoples
       *  -4 Modern Latin peoples

   ==========================   Table 6: Languages    =========================         *  -1 Indo-European languages
       *  -2 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
       *  -3 Germanic languages
       *  -4 Romance languages

Last but not least, Mr Abd Razak also remind us to pass up the writing assignment on LCC and DCC after semester break.  He also reminded us to do the cataloging on different type of materials. 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Week 7: Classification (Dewey Decimal Classification)


Part A: Theoretical

                From today lesson I able to know what is classification.  As we know that, cataloging can be divided into 3 main areas: a) Classification    b) Description   and    c) Subject.  Today lesson, we are going to learn the last subtopic of cataloging then in the future classes we are going to learn database.

What is library classification ? 
                  From our general knowledge, classification means that we are going to classify or group them together.  Library classification is grouping items on the shelves according to broad fields of knowledge and specific subjects within each field, so that users can find items easily.

The Aims of Library Classification:
1) put in order the field of knowledge in systematic way
2) bring related items together
3) provide orderly access to the selves (browsing or via catalog)
4) provide exact location for an item on the shelves.

Major Classification Scheme:
1) DDC -- Dewey Decimal Classification
2) LCC -- Library of Congress Classification
3) UDC -- Universal Decimal Classification
4) CC --  Colon Classification
5) BC -- Bliss Classification

Today lesson, we are more focus on DDC & LCC  !!!
So what is DDC about ?  What about LCC ? Mr Abdul Razak Bin Idris had given us another assignment which is write a simple and precise essay about Why school practice DDC and why university practice LCC in the cataloging of resources.

What is DDC ??

"A library assigns a DDC  number that unambiguously locates a particular volume to within a short length of shelving which makes it easy to find any particular book and return it to its proper place on the library shelves. The system is used in 200,000 libraries in at least 135 countries".

 DDC 22 is composed of the following major parts in four volumes:

Volume 1
(A) New Features in Edition 22: A brief explanation of the    

    specialfeatures and changes in DDC 22
(B) Introduction: A description of the DDC and how to use it
(C) Glossary: Short definitions of terms used in the DDC
(D) Index to the Introduction and Glossary
(E) Manual: A guide to the use of the DDC that is made up  
    primarily of extended discussions of problem areas in the   
    application of the DDC. Information in the Manual is  
    arranged by the numbers in the tables and schedules. 
(F) Tables: Six numbered tables of notation that can be added to   
    class numbers to provide greater specificity
(G) Lists that compare Editions 21 and 22: Relocations and   
    Discontinuations;Reused Numbers
Volume 2
(H) DDC Summaries: the top three levels of the DDC
(I) Schedules: The organization of knowledge from 000 - 599

Volume 3
(J) Schedules: The organization of knowledge from 600 - 999

The Ten Main classes of DDC :
Volume 4
(K) Relative Index: An alphabetical list of subjects with the disciplines in which they are treated sub-arranged alphabetically under each entry

LLC (Library Of Congress Classification

                 LLC is the one the most widely used classification systems.  The system divides all knowledge into twenty-one basic classes, each identified by a single letter of the alphabet.  Whole numbers used in LCC may range from one to four digits in length, and may be further extended by the use of decimal numbers.

                  In a nutshell, I summarized what had I understood about the cataloging.  Subject cataloging is helping users to briefly describe what is the content in the book, descriptive cataloging is helping the librarian to do the arrangement of the book in the shelves based on physically. Then, classification is able for easily locate the books based on the fields.

                At the end of the lesson, En Abdul Razak Bin Idris remind us that after come back from semester break we are going to learn database.

Part B: Hands-on on DDC

As a beginner, I need to practice on doing DDC because I had nothing expose to the DDC before.  Therefore, I try to ask my friends on how to do DDC.  There are a few steps to do DDC, I had summarize as below:

Step 1: Use the Volume 4 (Index) to find the list of suitable subject
Step 2: Use Volume 2 or 3 and finally 
Step 3: Use Volume 1 for Tables; the six numbered tables of notation that can be added to class numbers to provide greater specificity

This is how it is written :

Line 1:      453:001 [DDC call number according to its subject]

Line 2:       MUH        [The first 3 letters of the main entry]

12) Book


Mohd. Marsin Sanagi
       Teknik pemisahan dalam analisis kimia/ Mohd. Marsin Sanagi. - Skudai, Malaysia: UTM, 1998.

        x, 221p. :ill ; 27 cm

        Mengandungi bibliografi dan indeks.

        ISBN 983-52-0278-8

       1.  Analytical- Chemistry  2. Separation- Technology    I.Judul

Note:   .01  ------Theory

13) Book

Paizah Haji Ismail
       Undang-undang jenayah islam/ Paizah Haji Ismail. - Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur, 1991.

        xiii, 274 p. ; 22 cm

        Mengandungi bibliografi.

        ISBN 983-66-0028-0

       1.  Islamic Law      I.Judul

Notes:  .59 ------- Islamic Law

14) Book


Norbani Abdullah
       Kimia: tingkatan 5 / Norbani Abdullah, Loh Wai Leng, editor: Zahari Mahmud. - Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Selangor, 1997.

        iv, 268p. :ill. ; 26 cm

        Mengandungi bibliografi dan indeks.

        ISBN 967-966-319-1

       1.  Chemistry      I.Loh Wai Leng     II. Zahari Mahmud      III. Judul

15) Book

Husin Wagiran
      Fizik moden / Husin Wagiran. - Skudai, Malaysia: UTM, 2003.

        xii, 221 p. : ill. ; 27 cm

        Mengandungi bibliografi dan indeks.

        ISBN 983-52-0278-8

       1.  Physics      2. Radiation    I.Judul

16) Book


Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi

            Housing crisis : back to a humanistic agenda / Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi. – Skudai, Malaysia : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2007.

           Viii, 111p. : ill, ; 24cm.

           ISBN 978 – 983 – 52 – 0422 – 7

          1. Housing policy      2. Housing - Malaysia.                 I. Title.

17) Book


Kimia unsur kumpulan utama/ Razak Ali, Mohd. Nordin Garif, Mustaffa 
         bin Shamsuddin, Rusmidah Ali, Za. - Skudai, Malaysia : UTM, 2002.

        ix, 241 p. :ill; 27 cm

        Mengandungi indeks.

        ISBN 983-52-0243-5

       1.  Chemistry, Inorganic           I.Razak Ali        II. Judul

Notes:      .01 -----  phylosophy & theory

18)  Book


Hehn, Anton H.
      Buku panduan kuasa bendalir: majalah plant engineering/ Anton H. Hehn; penterjemah Wan Mohd Norsani bin Wan Nik; Yahaya Ramli. - Skudai, Malaysia: UTM, 1999.

        viii, 322p. : ill. ; 23 cm

        Mengandungi  indeks.

        ISBN 983-52-0170-6

       1.  Plant engineering    2. Fluid power technology    I.Wan Mohd Norsani Bin Wan Nik

       IIYahaya Ramli         III. Judul

 Jilid 1: Reka bentuk sistem, penyenggaran dan penyelesain masalah