Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Week 11: Database Introduction


Today, Mr Razak had introduced to us database through online learning and hands on activity designing own databases.

What is Database ?

                    A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer system. Databases allow their users to enter, access, and analyze their data quickly and easily. It is a useful tool. The easiest way to understand a database is to think of it as a collection of lists. For instance, what we had did today ... SMM (sistem maklumat murid) ..Student's particulars such as Name, Identification number, house address, contact number, student's parent name and so on, and so on.

                    Microsoft Office Access is a relational database application that allows users to enter, manage and run reports on large amounts of data.  Today lesson we had  learned the essential skills needed to use a database including entering data into forms and tables, running queries to search data and producing meaningful reports.  In a nutshell, what we had learned today are:
1) Tables   2) Form     3) Report   and     4) Queries

Access 2010
                  Last but not least, Mr Abdul Razak also remind us to key in the information on what we had did in cataloging.  The information needed are: call numbers, ISSN/ISBN, Edition, Title, Authors, publisher, place of publication, year of publication, physical description, notes and subject headings.  This is our last assigment ... yeah ....

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